The Guild Bend-Type MIG Weld Tester is a hydraulically-operated weld tester. The unit consists of a hydraulic cylinder, main base, spring operated clamp and bend and die set. The welded strip sample or coupon is put into the tester, and then the bender is depressed into the weld. Movement of the piece being tested is contolled by the hydraulic cylinder which is push button operated.
The test coupon is placed on the lower die with the weld in the center of the die. The bender then depresses the weld making an angle depending on the lower die (90 degrees and 120 degrees). The bending die is approximately 50mm in diameter.
The unit is mounted on a free-standing base and includes a self-contained hydraulic power unit. The bend-type MIG Weld Tester is push-button operated requiring two hands for safety and includes a cover that is interlocked so that it is in the proper position for operation of the unit.
A manually-operated Guild Hydraulic Ball-Type Weld Tester can be included with most coil joining machines to test the welds offline. The unit is a machine-mounted device that includes frame, manually-operated hydraulic punch and die, and bending die.
A free-standing crop shear can be included to cut the weld samples. Click here to view the Guild Crop Shear.